Click on the tool used in the process for a description.

Drawing - A quick sketch is made of the idea followed by a final refined drawing.
Sculpting - The next step is to slide the finished drawing under a plate of plexi-glass and begin building up layers of clay.
Further along in the sculpting with more attention being given to the highs and lows that depict foreshortening.
Mold making - A batch of Hydrostone is prepared and poured over the finished image. This will cure and become a rigid mold.
The mold forms a negative image of the original sculpture.
Casting - Carefully lifting the cast out of the mold.
Casting - The final cast in low relief. The next step is to apply color if desired, but plain white is good too.
Collage - once the casting is made a waterbased paint is used as a background and handmade pappers are added as a collage.
continuing to add papers for texture and a sense of movement
Final embellishment- finishing touches are made, including painting and detailed collage.