About Neno

Exploring movement in the human and animal figure has always driven Neno's artwork. Dance especially informs her subject matter and her eventual involvement in the African dance community of Santa Cruz would lend its energy, color and rhythm to her images. A strong feminist, Neno also strives to depict women in all their forms: young and old, small and large, at rest and filled with tension. There is a deep connection to the natural world, which lends a sense of the "Goddess" to her imagery as well.
While searching for a less toxic material that she could teach her students sculptural techniques such as casting, she encountered paper as a medium. Since 1998 she has been working in low relief sculpture and casting her original images in "Multiple Originals" - see ordering page for explanation - of handmade paper. She creates her own blend of Abaca and Hemp fiber paper in her home studio. After the image is cast and dried, she enhances her images with various applications of water media and collage. Recently she has been adding light fast pigments to the base casting to add a sense of atmosphere.
Neno V. Villamor has been sculpting and drawing since she was 13. A native Californian she began her art studies at the California College of Arts and Crafts. Several years of living on the East Coast and in the South increased her living experience plus exposure to some gifted art teachers creating a desire in her to continue her education. She returned to California to attend Humboldt State University where she continued in Ceramics, made a right hand turn into Metalsmithing (due to a charismatic professor) and received her BA in 1981. Later she would credential as an art instructor and teach Middle school and High school art for 12 years. Neno lives and creates in the Santa Cruz area.